Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Closing Time!

Despite all the challenges that we faced in putting on the Learning Event Workshop, the two day event really was a rousing success. A solid 8 out of 10 from the facilitator team. We had great contributions from all participants, provocative presentations from the guest speakers and a jovial atmosphere which allowed people to interact freely while exchanging ideas and business cards (which is the whole purpose of these events after all right?). On the second day of the workshop, we invited a wider community of donors, microfinance practitioners, UN representatives and government officials to participate in event. We were interested in having their inputs into our work as well as showcasing the results of our project.

In addition to the work of our four Mozambican partners, we had guest speakers come from MFIs in Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa to share the experiences of their institutions in designing HIV/AIDS strategies. We also set aside time for the participants to break into smaller groups and discuss the main challenges facing the microfinance industry as well as how the Mozambican industry as a whole can move forward from here on the issue of HIV/AIDS. MMF is closing at the end of this month and the various stakeholders here in Mozambique realize that they will have to work together to sustain the momentum generated through this project.

We followed up the final session of the workshop with a much anticipated and well deserved celebratory dinner at the Costa do Sol restaurant, a hands down favourite for MMF-MEDA functions here in Maputo. The night seemed to run on an endless supply of seafood, red wine and laughter as we all joyfully celebrated the end of our year long project. After dinner, some of the wonderful ladies from USAID and ECIAfrica wanted to see some of Maputo’s nightlife so, full of new found confidence, we all headed down to Rua Bagamoyo (Maputo’s historical “street of sin,” aptly named for various reasons) to dance the night away at Zona Quente (Eng: Hot Zone).

A wonderful closing to a great year with a fantastic work team. Thanks a million for everything you guys! Here are some pics from the two days.

Un Abraço


Cremildo getting into his element

Hello down there!! Is this thing on?!?!

CIDA Representative, Heather Cameron, giving the keynote address

The nitty gritty of group work

Joyful souls at the end of night


Blogger Big Roddy said...

Congratulations JP!
Sorry to hear about your troubles from yesterday, but it looks like it worked out for the best. Take care out there and I hope you come back safley!

10:47 p.m.  
Blogger Mauricio said...

Um abraço desde Brasil,

Blog muito interessante, parabéns

7:00 a.m.  

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